Tuesday, November 26, 2013

World Polio Day from Rotary International General Secretary John Hewko

John P. Hewko
General Secretary
Attn: Rotary Directors, Trustees, DGs, DGEs, RPICs, RRFCs, and RCs

Dear Rotary Leaders,
Rotarians around the world celebrated World Polio Day, 24 October, with events to raise both awareness and funds for polio eradication.  The tremendous amount of activity included the illumination of high profile landmarks with the “End Polio Now” message in India, Brazil and Mexico; a bike-a-thon involving local celebrity ambassadors in Nigeria, and the launch of a “speaking book” project promoting immunizations in Pakistan.  In India alone, more than 30 landmarks across the country were illuminated with the End Polio Now message, receiving strong media coverage.
RI also convened a special program, World Polio Day: Make History Today.   The event, co-hosted by the Northwestern University Center for Global Health, was held in downtown Chicago and broadcast live online to a global audience.

Speakers included President Ron Burton; Dr. Robert Murphy, director of Northwestern’s Center for Global Health; Dr. Bruce Aylward, the top polio eradication official at the World Health Organization; Dennis Ogbe, a polio survivor, Paralympian, and ambassador for the United Nations Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign; and Emmy award-winning actress Archie Panjabi, a Rotary polio celebrity ambassador.

The Livestream event, in English only, helped carry our polio eradication message to a new audience and is now archived for continued viewing.  Several of the speakers’ remarks, in English only, also are available for download individually, so that Rotarians can use them for club meetings and other events.
  • Viewers in 15 countries (including Ukraine, Brazil and South Africa) tuned in for the live broadcast
  • The live and archived video of the event had more than 11,000 views in just five days.
  • More than 1,000+ people tweeted about World Polio Day: Make History Today
  • More than 31,000 people liked, commented or shared Facebook posts about the event
A significant  amount of media coverage was generated on World Polio Day 2013, including articles focusing on Archie Panjabi and her work with Rotary on Windy City Live and Huffington Post Live, an interview with Dr. Aylward in the Journal of the American Medical Association, as well as coverage in the Voice of America, Radio France International, Pakistan Today, Die Welt, Wall Street Journal’s India Real Time, among others.

If you haven’t already, I encourage you to watch World Polio Day: Making History and share it, along with the World Polio Day infographic, with others. And please start thinking about creative ways Rotary clubs can build off of our success this year and make World Polio Day 2014 an even more effective platform to carry the End Polio Now message.

John Hewko
General Secretary

Monday, November 18, 2013

Promoción del Curso Solidario de Galletas Navideñas en Jerez de la Frontera

Actualmente hay más de 10,000 familias en Jerez de la Frontera que pasan hambre. El Rotary Club de Jerez se vuelca como ya ha hecho anteriormente en ayudar en estos tiempos tan dificiles.

Estos pasados dias atrás tuvimos la oportunidad de presentar ante la Cadena SER y Onda Cero, el Curso Solidario de Galletas Navideñas. Estuvimos hablando de Rotary International, el Club Rotario de Jerez de la Frontera con su Presidente Alberto Nuñez Presidente, Carolina Ruiz, Secretaria y Presidenta Electa 2014-2015 y Pablo Ruiz miembro Rotario y Coordinador de Imagen Pública para España y Portugal 2012-2014.

El surso tendrá lugar el 14 de Diciembre en Jerez de la Frontera, todo lo recaudado será convertido en comida e ira intedramente a Cáritas Jerez. Interesados contactar al correo secretaria.rcjerez@gmail.com
¡Es por una buena causa!

Encuentro Rotario en Mónaco

Durante los dias 4-10 de noviembre tuvo lugar el encuentro GETS, (Governor Elect Training Seminar) e instituto rotarios en Mónaco. Un encuentro muy ameno e interesante donde se discutieron la actual situación de Rotary en Europa, el futuro de nuestra organización, el papel de los jóvenes y las nuevas tecnologias.

Sesión de apertura
Con Director Rotario Jacques Di Constanzo, Michelle Gasparian, Pablo Ruiz y los 3 gobernadores electos de España

Los Gobernadores 2013-2014 Manuel Herreros y Graciela Waen Con Pablo Ruiz Rotary Public Image Coordinator Spain & Portugal 2012-2014

El Presidente del Rotary Club Mónaco

Con Stéphanie Juhasz Coordinadora Responsable de Rotaract Francia

Con los Directores Rotarios Gidi y Holger

Los 3 Coordinadores de Imagen Pública para España y Portugal (de Izquierda a derecha) Andrea Oddi, Coordinador Rotario, Henrique Almeida, Coordinador de la Fundación Rotaria y Pablo Ruiz Cooridnador de Imagen Pública

Con los Gobernadores Electors Italianos Promoción 2015-2016

Con Michelle Gasparian y Paul Gelders preparando la presentación

Con la pareja Duarte de Portugal

Con el Director Electo Eduardo San Martin, Ignasi, Julio Sorjus Fiduciario de Rotary International, Pablo Ruiz, Abbey de la Fundación Rotaria en Evanston y Michelle Gasparian del soporte a coordinadores de Imagen Publica en Evanston. 

Con el Instructor y PDG Carlo Michelotti

¡Con Sylvianne y Bernard Attard, grandes amigos rotarios!

Con los estupendos Araceli y Benito Sainz, PDG e Instructor de Rotary

Con Julio Sorjus
Con buenos amigos disfrutando del tiempo libre