Showing posts with label new members to Rotary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new members to Rotary. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"An easy way to attract new members to Rotary"

We must bear in mind that one of the objectives of Rotary Clubs is to increase their membership.

But how can we do this?

There is a very easy way to do this and it is the following: Last year I was invited to speak at Rotary District 2202, more specifically at the Rotary Club Imperial Tarraco in Tarragona (Spain), ( I was surprised when I was told that many distinguished personalities of the city belonged to the club and that they had a waiting list to enter in this Rotary club.

Of course it caught my attention because in addition to being a very large club they have many people who want to enter and have a waiting list.

Tarragona is a city with 134,000 people and this Rotary Club is after Madrid Serrano the largest one we have in Spain!

What is the secret of this club? Very simple. They explained that they invite the highest authorities of the city to give a lecture at club meetings and also make it public in the press, radio and television, which the city finds that:
1 There is a club where there are people who are called Rotarians
2 They explain what we are, caring professionals who volunteer to help in their community, among other things, etc.
3 The VIP guest personality also has the opportunity to meet and visit Rotary and we certainly increase our prestige of our organization.

In short if you want to increase the membership of your Club invite people from your city to give a lecture and see how soon
increase the number of QUALITY members of your club.

Now in our Club in Jerez, our President Luis Marcos is very aware of it and its program this year have followed their goals inviting to speak our Bishop, a Military General, the Mayor, the most famous journalist in local television, among others.

Here I send the invitation where the Mayor of our city will come to speak to us on Tuesday January 22. We already have set radio, television, press and internet journalist to spread the word.

Naturally you are all invited to come!

If you have something you have done in the past as an example or would like to spread the word of an incoming event you are preparing or simply you would like to comment something in particular please feel free to contact me!

Thank you very much for everything I hope you have found this information to your liking!

Warmest regards,
Pablo Ruiz