Thursday, October 31, 2013


You can use the new crowdsourcing platform in two ways: contribute to projects in need of assistance or post your own.

1.    Contribute to Projects

Browse projects seeking partners, funds, volunteers or material contributions. Anyone in the world can contribute to projects posted in Rotary’s new crowdsourcing platform. In order to contribute, sign in to My Rotary and click Take Action -> Support a project. Non-Rotarians can contribute by signing in using Google or Facebook.

To search for projects, click on Browse Projects. There you will find a list of the active projects with a short description, with newest projects listed first. You can narrow your search using any of the filters on the left side of the screen. You can search by keyword, category, or project language. Use keyword search to search for a particular location.

2.    Post Your Club’s Project Seeking Assistance

Club officers can post projects in need of partners, funds, volunteers or material contributions  which you can also promote on Twitter, Facebook, or your club’s web page.

Use a compelling project title and include a detailed description to inspire visitors to support your project. Set clear goals and clearly define the resources needed to achieve your goals. We strongly recommended you include a picture, free of copyright issues, with your project listing.
We hope that this information will help your club fulfill Rotary’s mission of service in order to make the world a better place for all.

If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Mohamed Shedou

Connection Specialist, Rotary Service Connections

Rotary Statement re: Syria Outbreak

Polio was recently confirmed in Syria, a country that has been free of this disabling and potentially fatal disease since 1999. In response, health authorities in Syria and neighboring countries have launched urgent, large-scale, multi-country immunization campaigns to ensure that every child is reached with the polio vaccine.
Rotary and its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative are working together with local health authorities to activate the outbreak response.

In the wake of World Polio Day, these  and other recent polio cases in previously polio-free countries serve as a stark reminder that as long as polio still exists, unimmunized children everywhere remain at risk.
Rotarians, as leaders from all continents, cultures and occupations, have been active throughout the region to raise awareness and build support in the fight to end polio:

In coordination with the Egyptian Ministry of Health, Rotary clubs in Egypt will support and help raise awareness of the national immunization activities in November.   


In September, district and national Rotary PolioPlus committees in Jordan visited the Minister of Health to offer support for the nationwide measles, rubella and polio vaccination campaign scheduled this week.

Rotarians secured funds for updated equipment needed to vaccinate more children, and are raising public awareness to encourage families to immunize their children by posting large ‘End Polio Now’ signs in Arabic on major streets in Amman.

Rotary Clubs have joined with the Lebanese Ministry of Health, WHO and UNICEF to help vaccinate children, particularly those from displaced families below the age of five.  Rotarians will help raise awareness in their communities and provide volunteer support during national immunization campaigns scheduled for early November and December.

Rotarians are establishing a coordinating committee in Turkey and approaching the Ministry of Health to offer their support.

Rotarians in Bulgaria are working with the Red Cross to lead a campaign to collect food, baby food and diapers for Syrian refugees.  On World Polio Day, Rotarians and Rotaractors handed out ’End Polio Now’ flyers printed in the local language to help raise awareness.


We know that if polio remains endemic, outbreaks will continue to occur, and that’s why the progress being made in the three remaining polio-endemic countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria) is encouraging. Polio cases in the endemic countries are down by 40% compared to the same time last year.
We, as Rotarians, remain steadfast in our commitment to a polio-free world, and we will continue our efforts until polio is gone forever.

Bob Scott
Chair, Rotary’s International PolioPlus Committee

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Messi cambió de número para ayudar en la lucha contra la polio

Por una vez, abandonó el 10 que siempre lo acompaña y se puso una camiseta con el número 99. La causa valía la pena. Lionel Messi se sumó a la celebración del Día Mundial contra la Polio y grabó un video para concientizar sobre la necesidad de erradicar definitivamente esta enfermedad.
En la breve grabación se ve a la Pulga vestido con el uniforme del Barça. “Te necesitamos para la victoria final”, convoca, antes de ponerse de espalda. Entonces se ve en el dorso de la casaca la leyenda “End polio” (“Terminemos con la polio”) y el número 99, que hace referencia al porcentaje en el que se han reducido los casos de la enfermedad gracias a las campañas mundiales.
El video es parte del trabajo que lleva a cabo la asociación Rotary Internacional, con la que colabora la Fundación FC Barcelona en la iniciativa More than a gol, end polio. Esta tarea permitió una disminución drástica de los casos de esta patología en el mundo: en 1985, cuando comenzó la campaña, se registraron casi 350.000, mientras que en 2010 habían bajado a menos de 1.500. De todas maneras, aún quedan países donde su presencia representa un importante factor de riesgo, como en Pakistán, Afganistán y Nigeria.
La poliomielitis es una enfermedad infecciosa que invade el sistema nervioso y puede causar parálisis irreversible. Se difunde en lugares con deficientes condiciones higiénicas y afecta, principalmente, a niños y jóvenes. No existe ninguna cura, pero se puede evitar mediante la administración de una vacuna durante la infancia.

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¿Interesado en saber más? - Este ha sido el articulo más leído del blog en 2013:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

24 de Octubre - Dia Mundial contra la Polio

Hoy 24 de Octubre es el Dia Mundial contra la Polio - Súmate a Rotary Internationalpara difundir este mensaje y erradicar de una vez por todas el 1% de esta terrible enfermedad que nos queda en el planeta!