Friday, October 26, 2012

Online presence - Cómo maximizar su presencia en redes sociales

Enseñamos una forma muy fácil, sencilla y practica para llegar en un instante a millones de personas. No hay que ser un experto en internet ni en redes sociales para empezar a usar estos trucos. 
Desvelamos por que en dos casos prácticos que se han realizado en los últimos meses están teniendo tan buenos resultados y como se han hecho. 
Enseñamos como quienquiera, tenga la edad que tenga y de forma muy simple tiene el mismo poder para llegar a cualquiera de forma virtual a coste 0 y repercutir en la vida real. 
Sin distancias, sin coste, sin tiempo que perder.
¡En solo 60 minutos sabremos hacer esto y mucho más!

Este es un webinar que realizamos el pasado 12 de octubre de 2012 desde Chicago en conexion a través de España, Portugal e Hispanoamerica. Haciendo click aqui podemos ver y oir la conferencia gratuitamente. Se puede escuchar, compartir en redes sociales y incluso descargarla, ¡ALTAMENTE RECOMENDABLE! 

¿Quieres ser famos@?

Sube tu foto en este enlace y saldrás en un anuncio de Rotary!
¡Solo por subir tu foto saldrás por televisión!
Gratuito, fácil y rápido, así de sencillo pruébalo!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Gracias a la ayuda de todos hemos podido cumplir nuestro objetivo antes de tiempo difundiendo el 24 de octubre Dia Mundial Contra la Polio las acciones de Rotary International a más de 154,000 personas.

Bill #Gates says “thank you”: World #Polio Day: A Day to Learn, Act, Donate and let us help #Rotary to #endpolionow

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

¡Lucha Contra la Polio!
Únete a Rotary entrando en este enlace y comparte con tus contactos en "support" esta iniciativa del 24 de Octubre en el Día Mundial de la Lucha Contra la Polio, ¡muchas gracias por tu apoyo!

Lucha Contra la Polio

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Foro de Rotary pro Paz Mundial que se celebrará en Berlín (Alemania) del 30 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre de 2012

Estimado rotario:

Guten Tag! (Hola) 

Me complace extender la invitación personal del presidente Tanaka a todos los rotarios, líderes comunitarios y participantes en los programas para las Nuevas Generaciones para que asistan al primer Foro de Rotary pro Paz Mundial que se celebrará en Berlín (Alemania) del 30 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre de 2012.

El lema del Foro de Rotary pro Paz Mundial de Berlín es “Paz sin fronteras” y en él se subrayará el papel de la democracia en la construcción de la paz y la promoción de la comprensión y cooperación entre naciones. Los asistentes al foro podrán:
  • Asistir a inspiradoras llamadas a la acción de los líderes rotarios y otros invitados especiales 
  • Participar en talleres y mesas redondas
  • Recabar información sobre los Comités interpaíses de Rotary y el papel que desempeñan en la promoción de la comprensión entre naciones
  • Visitar el “Mercado de la paz”, donde se presentarán distintos proyectos sobre la paz emprendidos por clubes y distritos
  • Conocer a los dirigentes principales de Rotary, otros rotarios y participantes en los programas para las Nuevas Generaciones procedentes de todos los rincones del mundo
  • Disfrutar de los atractivos históricos y culturales de Berlín, una de las ciudades más dinámicas de Europa    
El evento contará con servicio de interpretación simultánea en inglés, francés y alemán.
Necesitamos su colaboración para asegurar el éxito de este evento. Reenvíe este mensaje a los rotarios de su distrito y aliéntelos a correr la voz al respecto. Haga clic aquí para visitar el sitio web del Foro y aquí para inscribirse.
Además, le pedimos que inste a los clubes de su distrito a participar en el Mercado de la paz mediante la publicación de sus iniciativas relacionadas con la paz en Rotary Showcase. Los proyectos que estén registrados en Rotary Showcase bajo la categoría "fomento de la paz y prevención/resolución de conflictos" a más tardar el 31 de octubre podrían ser incluidos en el Mercado mediante un póster informativo. Aquellos clubes que remitan un proyecto para su inclusión en el Mercado, podrán enviar a un representante que presente e ilustre el proyecto en persona a los asistentes al foro. Para obtener información adicional, hagaclic aquí.
Para obtener información adicional (en inglés) sobre los foros pro paz, vea el video promocional.
Espero verles en Berlín para compartir La paz a través del servicio.
Luis Vicente Giay
Ex presidente de Rotary International
Presidente y convocador de los Foros de Rotary pro Paz Mundial
cc:  Directores de RI
       Fiduciarios de La Fundación Rotaria
       Comité de los Foros de Rotary pro Paz 2012-2013
       Comité de los Centros de Rotary pro Paz 2012-2013

Rotary International | One Rotary Center | 1560 Sherman Avenue | Evanston | IL | 60201 | USA

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Nueva iniciativa del Rotary Club Badajoz:
Poesía Solidaria
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nydia Caro

Actriz y cantante portorriqueña embajadora de la campaña "Solo Esto" para la erradicación de la Polio. lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Cuando John Richardson, pasado Gobernador de Distrito 7000 (Puerto Rico) se comunico conmigo para que yo fuese la imagen de Rotary para el programa de la erradicación de la polio en Puerto Rico, no dudé ni un instante, porque de alguna manera deseaba participar en este increíble proyecto. 
Para mejor entender mi compromiso, comencé a recabar información sobre esta iniciativa y descubrí la increíble cantidad de actividades que realizan los Rotarios para mejorar nuestro  planeta.
Me sorprendió ver todos los lugares en el mundo donde Rotarios estaban haciendo la diferencia en las vidas del prójimo en la salud y la educación. Sus actividades son una cadena de buena voluntad proactiva que se extiende alrededor del globo.
Nunca supe antes cuantas personas extraordinarias, generosas y de buen corazón son Rotarios dispuestos a dedicar el tiempo y esfuerzo necesario para lograr algo tan difícil  como la erradicación de la polio.
 Siempre he creído que verdaderamente podemos mover montañas, si entendemos que formamos parte una sola humanidad. Somos todos iguales y estamos conectados en mucho niveles, y verdaderamente podemos hacer que sucedan grandes cosas si nos despertamos a esta realidad. Yo te ayudo a ti, tú ayudas a él, él ayuda a ella, y así sucesivamente. Juntos PODEMOS construir  el mundo que todos soñamos.
Empieza en nuestras familias, luego en nuestras comunidades y luego, tal como lo ha hecho Rotary, damos la mano como hermanas y hermanos para ayudar a los que nos rodean, los que necesitan ayuda para que logren su potencial y vivan una vida digna.
Y, yo quiero ser parte de esto.
Nydia Caro


Monday, October 15, 2012

Dear fellow End Polio Now Zone Coordinators & interested Rotarians:

I’m writing to tell you about a great opportunity to energise our End Polio Now Campaign with a fresh, exciting and very effective fundraising and advocacy tool.

It’s very simple – using fabric crocus buttonholes to raise donations from the public and awareness for the Campaign. They’ve been tried by RIBI and have proved to be a runaway success. Rotarians in the 29 districts of Rotary in Britain & Ireland (RIBI) chose the crocus to symbolise the End Polio Now Campaign as its purple colour matched the dye painted on the fingers of children who had been immunised against polio. Initially they planted hundreds of thousands of real crocuses as an annual reminder of the Campaign and of course they bloom in the Spring, in time for February 23rd and Rotary Day. 

Then, one visionary District Governor, Lynn Mitchell from District 1120, wanted to take the idea a stage further and develop a beautiful fabric crocus which could be worn by donors and members too. From a trial for Rotary Day this year, they are now being rolled out nationally for Rotary Day 2013 and are set to become the public face of Rotary Day in the throughout the 29 districts with over 150,000 crocuses ordered. In addition, trials and test marketing are underway in the US (John Adams in Zone 30 and Barbara Finley in Zone 31), Canada (William Patchett in Zone 24), Brazil (Neli Abascal in Zone 23 / part of 22A) and Nigeria (Olayinka Babalola in Zone 20A).

Attached is a brochure outlining the benefits of the crocus buttonholes in terms of fundraising and awareness building, and how they can be used.
We are all aware of the 5 year US$1 billion funding shortfall the End Polio Now campaign faces. In conjunction with the supplier, former Ambassadorial Scholar David Price, I would like to share an idea which could raise a significant proportion of this which I’d like to pitch to you. 

It’s a challenge for all Rotarians to wear a crocus buttonhole for a month and to distribute at least 10 crocus buttonholes to family, friends, colleagues or strangers for US$5 each. This should be very simple to achieve. As the crocuses are so attractive they are walking adverts and will trigger many conversations about Rotary and the End Polio Now Campaign. Some of these people who engage in conversation will ask how they can get a crocus buttonhole and I’m sure most will gladly make a US$5 donation for one. If every Rotarian distributed just 10 crocus buttonholes it would raise around US$60 million per year. Over 5 years this would be US$300 million, or a third of the funding shortfall.
The benefits are not just funding, but also advocacy. The millions of conversations about polio eradication will help to create mass awareness and provide grass roots support for the lobbying to governments and organisations by demonstrating the breadth and depth of public feeling.

But don’t take my word for this. David Price would like to arrange to send you a few crocus buttonholes so you and your family or colleagues can wear them and see what kind of a response you get. If it’s favourable, you could follow the lead of William Patchett in Zone 24 and order 5,000 for a test.

Yours in Rotary friendship,

M J Parry

Zone 17 End Polio Now Zone Coordinator

¡Cómo maximizar tu presencia en la web!

Enseñamos una forma muy fácil, sencilla y practica para llegar en un instante a millones de personas. No hay que ser un experto en internet ni en redes sociales para empezar a usar estos trucos. 
Desvelamos por que en dos casos prácticos que se han realizado en los últimos meses están teniendo tan buenos resultados y como se han hecho. 
Enseñamos como quienquiera, tenga la edad que tenga y de forma muy simple tiene el mismo poder para llegar a cualquiera de forma virtual a coste 0 y repercutir en la vida real. 
Sin distancias, sin coste, sin tiempo que perder.
¡En solo 60 minutos sabremos hacer esto y mucho más!

Este es un webinar que realizamos el pasado 12 de octubre de 2012 desde Chicago en conexion a través de España, Portugal e Hispanoamerica. Haciendo click aqui podemos ver y oir la conferencia gratuitamente. Se puede escuchar, compartir en redes sociales y incluso descargarla, ¡ALTAMENTE RECOMENDABLE!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

In 1933 Paul harris gave a speech at the 24th annual Rotary International Convention. It was aired around the world. There was no video of this event, so i decided to animate a picture of Paul and have him give the speech in a visual context. Thanks go to for the audio portion.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Webinar " Cómo rentabilizar tu presencia en las redes sociales"

El Viernes 12 de octubre del 2012, Pablo Ruiz Amo impartirá el seminario " Cómo rentabilizar tu presencia en las redes sociales" el cual será  retrasmitido desde Chicago a las 16h Madrid, 9h Chicago, 11h Buenos Aires.

Seminario en español, gratuito. Es necesario inscribirse:

Enlace para inscribirse - Register in this link:

Enseñamos una forma muy fácil, sencilla y practica para llegar en un instante a millones de personas. No hay que ser un experto en internet ni en redes sociales para empezar a usar estos trucos.
Desvelamos por que en dos casos prácticos que se han realizado en los últimos meses están teniendo tan buenos resultados y como se han hecho.
Enseñamos como quienquiera, tenga la edad que tenga y de forma muy simple tiene el mismo poder para llegar a cualquiera de forma virtual a coste 0 y repercutir en la vida real.
Sin distancias, sin coste, sin tiempo que perder. Habrá un espacio para preguntas, intervenciones, aclaraciones de dudas de quien esté interesado en algún aspecto en particular.
Si nos resulta imposible estar el mismo día y en directo, ¡no hay problema!
Un vez registrados y tras realizarse la presentación se grabará y estará disponible de forma gratuita para todos aquellos que se hayan registrado.
En solo 60 minutos sabremos hacer esto y mucho más. ¡APROVECHESE!
Por favor siga este enlace para inscribirse -

Take advantage of this very easy, simple and practical webinar that we are giving to reach instantly millions of people at no cost. There is no need to be an expert on the Internet or social media networks to begin using these tricks.
Revealing in two case studies that have been conducted in recent months, how they have been made and why are they having such good results.
We teach anyone of any age who has a very simple and have the same power to reach virtually anyone at 0 cost and have an impact in real life.
No distances, no costs, no time to waste. There will be time allocated for questions, assistance, clarification of anyone interested in a particular aspect as well.
If you are unable to attend live, no worries!
Once registered and after the presentation has been made ​​a video will be available for free to all those who have registered previously.
In just 60 minutes you will know to do this and much more. Take action and register today!
Please follow this link to register:

Monday, October 8, 2012

RPI Newsletter Zone13B spain&portugal

¡Ahora también en Español através de nuestros amigos Rotarios Latinos! ¡Muchas gracias por vuestra aportación para que Rotary International crezca!

RPI Newsletter Zone13B spain&portugal

Friday, October 5, 2012

"Using Social Media to Enhance Public Image and Awareness"

Discover the power of Rotary Internatioanl in this presentation given by Pablo Ruiz Amo RPIC for Spain and Portgual on how to harness the use of social media to enhance public image awareness!

This presentation was given May 9th 2012 at the IMPACT Convention Center in Bangkok, Thailand.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Rotary International Newsletter en Portugal 2012

1st Rotary International Newsletter in Portugal 2012 for Public Image,

Top 5 Reasons to eradicate Polio

The human cost:
If we choose to control polio rather than eradicate it,
polio could rebound to 10 million cases in the ne xt 40 years.

It’s achievable:
We have the tools to end polio and the means t o reach all
children. The new, bivalent vaccine successfully targets the two remaining strains
of polio in one dose.

It’s a good investment:
An independent study published in the medical
journal Vaccine estimates the US$9 billion global investment in a polio-free world
will net an economic benefit of $40 to 50 billion over the next 20 years.

It strengthens the system:
Our polio eradication efforts have established
an active disease surveillance network in all countries that is being used for other
health interventions such as measles vaccinations, deworming tablets, and
mosquito bed nets.

It sets the stage:
The ability to reach all children with the polio vaccine is proof
of the concept that we can succeed on our next major global health initiative.

5 Reasons
to Eradicate
jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012
Es nuestra meta. La meta de cada rotario en todo nuestro universo que cuida y protege a la sociedad desde la infancia.

Nuestra meta no decrece, se suma y se alimenta mientras haya un nuevo caso de Polio en el mundo. Donamos con ilusión y participar en forma activa es un privilegio.

Ha sido en Delhi mi participación como rotaria junto a rotarios de todo el mundo, junto a los rotarios de India organizados en lugares de vacunación dentro de los slums donde se vacuna a todo niño menor de 5 años.

El recorrer el slum, zona densamente poblada sin higiene y sin condiciones básicas de convivencia y lograr una vacunación puerta a puerta y cuarto a cuarto es una tarea de organización, coordinación y control digna de héroes, por lo difícil de la zona propia de los slums donde viven los más pobres de los pobres de una sociedad con 1.241.500 millones de habitantes donde nacen millones de niños cada año.

En los años 90, India tenía el más alto nivel de Polio del mundo. Labor intensiva y sin descanso dentro del país y en sus fronteras han logrado por primera vez que en 2011 que no haya detectado un solo caso de polio!!!

Y se debe continuar durante dos años más sin caso alguno para ser erradicada.

La Fundación Melinda y Bill Gates junto con Rotary Internacional son los mayores donantes que aportan todos los fondos necesarios para llegar a cada lugar del mundo donde es necesaria la vacunación masiva.

La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y Unicef son quienes determinan cada año las Jornadas Nacionales de Vacunación y los rotarios indios son los líderes que aportan su experiencia y sus conocimientos locales para determinar los lugares donde se emplaza cada centro de atención sanitaria.

Los voluntarios visitantes son quienes administran las “dos gotitas “, pintan con marcador indeleble el dedo meñique de cada niño y como cariño especial les entregan un juguete.

Asimismo son los voluntarios indios quienes entran en los cuartos y en los patios para hablar con los adultos y padres en su mismo idioma. Dado el entorno y la insalubridad del slum es imposible que lo haga otra persona.

Complementan el programa con visitas a hospitales, conferencias en el edificio de la OMS y Unicef, visitas a escuelitas para niños, adolescentes y mujeres que funcionan en pleno slum con el apoyo de diferentes clubes rotarios como obra social a la comunidad.

La integración de las Inner Wheel (esposas e hijas de rotarios) cuya colaboración para la recaudación de fondos y sus programas de apoyo son muy valiosos.

Ésta es una experiencia de vida única que nos hace sentir como voluntarios seres privilegiados dentro de la sociedad.

La acción es más fuerte que todas las palabras

Este es el primer articulo que publica rotary en español a nivel mundial.
por Yolanda Andreoli.
Ex presidenta Club Rotario de Ibiza 2010-2011
jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

Es nuestra meta. La meta de cada rotario en todo nuestro universo que cuida y protege a la sociedad desde la infancia.

Nuestra meta no decrece, se suma y se alimenta mientras haya un nuevo caso de Polio en el mundo. Donamos con ilusión y participar en forma activa es un privilegio.

Ha sido en Delhi mi participación como rotaria junto a rotarios de todo el mundo, junto a los rotarios de India organizados en lugares de vacunación dentro de los slums donde se vacuna a todo niño menor de 5 años.

El recorrer el slum, zona densamente poblada sin higiene y sin condiciones básicas de convivencia y lograr una vacunación puerta a puerta y cuarto a cuarto es una tarea de organización, coordinación y control digna de héroes, por lo difícil de la zona propia de los slums donde viven los más pobres de los pobres de una sociedad con 1.241.500 millones de habitantes donde nacen millones de niños cada año.

En los años 90, India tenía el más alto nivel de Polio del mundo. Labor intensiva y sin descanso dentro del país y en sus fronteras han logrado por primera vez que en 2011 que no haya detectado un solo caso de polio!!!

Y se debe continuar durante dos años más sin caso alguno para ser erradicada.

La Fundación Melinda y Bill Gates junto con Rotary Internacional son los mayores donantes que aportan todos los fondos necesarios para llegar a cada lugar del mundo donde es necesaria la vacunación masiva.

La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y Unicef son quienes determinan cada año las Jornadas Nacionales de Vacunación y los rotarios indios son los líderes que aportan su experiencia y sus conocimientos locales para determinar los lugares donde se emplaza cada centro de atención sanitaria.

Los voluntarios visitantes son quienes administran las “dos gotitas “, pintan con marcador indeleble el dedo meñique de cada niño y como cariño especial les entregan un juguete.

Asimismo son los voluntarios indios quienes entran en los cuartos y en los patios para hablar con los adultos y padres en su mismo idioma. Dado el entorno y la insalubridad del slum es imposible que lo haga otra persona.

Complementan el programa con visitas a hospitales, conferencias en el edificio de la OMS y Unicef, visitas a escuelitas para niños, adolescentes y mujeres que funcionan en pleno slum con el apoyo de diferentes clubes rotarios como obra social a la comunidad.

La integración de las Inner Wheel (esposas e hijas de rotarios) cuya colaboración para la recaudación de fondos y sus programas de apoyo son muy valiosos.

Ésta es una experiencia de vida única que nos hace sentir como voluntarios seres privilegiados dentro de la sociedad.


Quite a few videos produced by the Broadcast Media Department at Rotary International are now viewable at, and most of them can be embedded or downloaded.

They include This Is Rotary and You’re Welcome (two wonderful introductions to RI); many videos about the End Polio Now campaign including an interview with Bill Gates; video coverage from recent RI conventions; and several videos from RVM: The Rotary Video Magazine.

To download videos, follow these steps:

1)    Go to and sign up for a free, Basic membership.  (All you have to do is give them an e-mail address and create a password.)

2)    Log on, go and find the video you want to download.

3)    Scroll down to "Download this video" (blue letters, lower right).  Right click your mouse and click on "Save Target As."  Your computer should ask you where you want to save the video on your computer.  After you tell it, the video will download to that spot.

4)    When the download ends, go to the place where you saved the downloaded video and try to play it.  (You will need a program such as RealPlayer or Quicktime; both of those can be downloaded from various online sites.)

Rotary to commit $75 million to end polio

Funding announcement to come during special UN General Assembly session to rally support for global eradication of crippling childhood disease

EVANSTON, Ill. (Sept. XX, 2012) — Rotary International plans to contribute US $75 million over three years to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative as part of a worldwide effort to close a $945 million funding gap that threatens to derail the 24 year-old global health effort, even as new polio cases are at an all-time low.

Rotary, which already has contributed more than $1.2 billion to stop this crippling childhood disease, will announce its new funding commitment in New York City on Sept. 27 during a special side-event on polio eradication convened by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon during the 67th Session of the UN General Assembly.

Secretary-General Ban, who has made polio eradication a top priority of his second term, is expected to issue a strong call urging UN member states to ramp up their support for the polio eradication initiative, launched in 1988 by Rotary, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The partnership now includes the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations Foundation.

The New York event will include  two panel sessions which will include remarks by Wilf Wilkinson, chair of The Rotary Foundation; Bill Gates, co-chair of the Gates Foundation; and top leaders and heads of state from the remaining polio-endemic countries and key donor countries.  The wild poliovirus is now endemic only to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria, although other countries remain at risk for re-established cases imported from the endemics.

“It is imperative that governments step up and honor their commitments to polio eradication if we are to achieve our goal of a polio-free world,” said Wilkinson. “We are at a true tipping point, with success never closer than it is right now. We must seize the advantage by acting immediately, or risk breaking our pledge to the world’s children.”

The urgency at the UN follows action taken in May by the World Health Assembly, which declared polio eradication to be a “programmatic emergency for global public health.” Although new polio cases are at an all-time low – fewer than 140 worldwide so far this year – the $945 million shortfall has already affected several scheduled immunization activities in polio-affected countries and could derail the entire program unless the gap is bridged. If eradication fails and polio rebounds, up to 200,000 children a year could be paralyzed.

Polio cases have plummeted by more than 99 percent since 1988, when the disease infected about 350,000 children a year. Fewer than 700 new cases were reported in 2011. Rotary and its partners have reached more than 2.5 billion children with the oral polio vaccine, preventing more than five million cases of paralysis and hundreds of thousands of pediatric deaths.

Rotary’s chief responsibilities in the initiative are fundraising and advocacy, a role of increasing importance as the end game draws near. In early September, Rotary launched a new, interactive website -- – intended to educate, activate and inspire visitors to actively support the polio eradication effort. Visitors are encouraged to sign a petition calling for world leaders to commit additional resources to close the funding gap. The e-signatures will be presented to Secretary-General Ban in New York. Site visitors can also estimate the potential dollar value they can generate by sharing the polio eradication message through social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter.

Earlier this year, Rotary raised $228 million in new money for polio eradication in response to a $355 million challenge grant from the Gates Foundation, which promptly contributed an additional $50 million in recognition of Rotary’s commitment.

Rotary is a global humanitarian organization with more than 1.2 million members in 34,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. Rotary members are men and women who are business, professional and community leaders with a shared commitment to make the world a better place through humanitarian service. To access broadcast quality video footage and still images of Rotary members immunizing children against polio available go to: Media Center.

Five Simple Advocacy Actions

The following are ideas that any Rotarian can use any time to engage those with the authority to influence political and financial commitments for polio eradication. This includes: Members of Parliament/Congress/National Assembly; Ministers of Development or International Cooperation, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Ministers of Finance, and Heads of State.
Most Rotarians can reach out to their member of Parliament/Congress/National Assembly. This outreach can be done by standard mail, by phone, via email (many of these bodies provide email addresses or other means of electronic communication on the world wide web) or via social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Face to face contact is also important. Many elected officials hold town halls, conference calls or other special opportunities to encourage constituent engagement.
  • Take advantage of media articles about polio eradication – particularly those that draw attention to the positive role of Rotary and the need for support. Share the article with your elected officials. Tell them polio eradication is Rotary’s highest priority and is important to Rotarians as their constituents. Encourage their support for this issue at this critical time, and if appropriate, thank them for your country’s previous support.
  • Take advantage of reports issued by key groups for example, the Independent Monitoring Board or the Strategic Advisor Group of Experts. These reports often feature key points and/or quotes on which you can focus your own message.
  • Share the infographics available from RI (at ) that convey key messages in simple, easily digested ways. These infographics can be sent at any time to highlight key aspects of the program and the need for continued support.
  • Make it personal – tell why polio eradication is important to you. Perhaps you, a friend, or a family member has been personally affected by polio. Perhaps you have children or grandchildren who have been spared as a result of the progress already made. Perhaps you have traveled to a country where you have seen the ravages of polio. Share your story with your elected official and why you feel it is important that they support this issue.
  • Invite an elected official to speak to your club and use this as an opportunity to highlight Rotary’s commitment. This could be done in several ways:
    • Provide a polio-related speaker gift such as a framed photo of a child being immunized or perhaps an End Polio Now pin with a certificate advising that a contribution has been made in his/her name to PolioPlus. Spend a minute talking about polio eradication as Rotary’s highest priority and encourage the official’s support.
    • Ask the official to speak about the government’s support of polio eradication. NOTE: RI can assist in preparing talking points for the invited official’s use and you can offer this assistance. This ensures that they are briefed on the issue and also conveys to the official that this is an issue that is important to your club.
    • If an elected official is invited to a club or district event for a non-polio related reason, this is still an opportunity to highlight polio eradication as Rotary’s top priority and encourage that official’s support. This simple action will reinforce outreach that is done by other Rotarians at Capitol level. Often elected officials will mention that they have spoken to a Rotary club but the club never mentioned anything about Rotary’s work on polio. This actually hurts Rotary’s efforts.

Sample Elevator Speech for Rotary’s PolioPlus Program

Rotary’s Polio Promise
More than 25 years ago, Rotarians made a promise to protect all children from polio.  We are committed to achieving our goal of a world that is certified polio free.

Our History
Polio has crippled and killed children for thousands of years. Today, we can effectively prevent the disease through vaccination. Worldwide, the number of infections has declined by more than 99 percent. But polio persists in three countries:  Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan. More than US$9 billion has been invested in global polio eradication, but more is needed to reach children in these places and prevent it from returning to other countries. Visit to find out how you can join us in fulfilling the promise of a polio-free world.

What Ending Polio Means to Me
My children and grandchildren are healthy and safe.
Thousands of kids who might have been paralyzed will be running and playing.
I’m part of an effort to eradicate a disease that has killed and crippled children for thousands of years.
A polio-free world could provide net benefits of at least $40-$50 billion if polio transmission is stopped within the next five years.

PolioPlus Advocacy Resources

Dear Zone Team:
In August we held a special PolioPlus seminar at RI Headquarters in Evanston to discuss how best to continue Rotary’s priority goal of a polio free world.   Some of you were invited to attend the seminar based on your location within a polio-affected or key donor country, and we appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts and ideas during the meeting.  As part of that discussion we identified four main areas where Rotarians can most effectively impact the polio eradication effort: fundraising, advocacy, awareness and corporate outreach. 
The PolioPlus staff has developed some resources to help carry this message out to Rotarians in the clubs and districts, particularly as it relates to understanding and engaging in advocacy, which may be a new concept for many. We hope you will utilize these resources in whatever ways best serve needs within your communities.
1.       PolioPlus Seminar Planning Data - these plans were developed during the meeting and follow the calendar year, highlighting key events or dates around which your polio activities can be planned.  If you were not in attendance at the meeting, please work with others on your Zone Team to add to the plan or to incorporate new, creative ways to highlight polio within your communities.
2. website – the new website has many useful resources.   Some of you may have gone on the website to sign a petition presented to United Nations General Secretary Ban-Ki Moon at the polio side event that took place on 27 September as part of the United Nations General Assembly.  A press release highlighting the outcome of the event is attached, and we encourage you to share the information with your local media.
3.       Advocacy Flier – this flier has been developed to highlight the four main areas where Rotarians can continue to support polio eradication.  It can be used at Zone Institutes as well as other district and club events.  It is available as a PDF on the website but can also be ordered in print form and is available in all languages.  Please let the PolioPlus staff know if you would like a limited quantity sent to you.
4.       Sample elevator speech – those in attendance at the seminar requested a short statement that could be used to highlight the main points regarding Rotary and its efforts to eradicate polio.  Based on the feedback provided, we are including a draft of that statement here, which can be utilized according to your needs and preferences. 
5.       Basic Advocacy Ideas – information on how Rotarians can advocate for polio eradication.  The purpose of this document is to get Rotarians to think about ways they can easily incorporate these efforts into their daily activities.
An Advocacy Power Point presentation is currently under development and will be sent to you shortly to help educate others about the important role advocacy is playing in Rotary’s efforts to bring in new supporters and to tell the world about the critical point we are at in our fight against polio. You can also find a new video online at that has been produced and will serve as a good resource for club and district events (instructions attached).   
We are providing these resources as an initial step toward helping to build on the many ways in which Rotarians are already working for polio eradication.  We encourage you to collaborate within your Zone teams to coordinate your plans and resources in ways that make the most of the work being done.  We will continue to reach out and ask how we can support your efforts to keep polio on the agenda of those who can help us win the fight.  In the meantime, if you have questions or need additional resources please do not hesitate to contact the PolioPlus staff at

Robert S. Scott
Chair, International PolioPlus Committee