Saturday, January 4, 2014
¡¡Hola 2014!!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Webinar " Cómo rentabilizar tu presencia en las redes sociales"
El Viernes 12 de octubre del 2012, Pablo Ruiz Amo impartirá el seminario " Cómo rentabilizar tu presencia en las redes sociales" el cual será retrasmitido desde Chicago a las 16h Madrid, 9h Chicago, 11h Buenos Aires.
Seminario en español, gratuito. Es necesario inscribirse:
Friday, October 5, 2012
Discover the power of Rotary Internatioanl in this presentation given by Pablo Ruiz Amo RPIC for Spain and Portgual on how to harness the use of social media to enhance public image awareness!
This presentation was given May 9th 2012 at the IMPACT Convention Center in Bangkok, Thailand.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Five Simple Advocacy Actions
- Take advantage of media articles about polio eradication – particularly those that draw attention to the positive role of Rotary and the need for support. Share the article with your elected officials. Tell them polio eradication is Rotary’s highest priority and is important to Rotarians as their constituents. Encourage their support for this issue at this critical time, and if appropriate, thank them for your country’s previous support.
- Take advantage of reports issued by key groups for example, the Independent Monitoring Board or the Strategic Advisor Group of Experts. These reports often feature key points and/or quotes on which you can focus your own message.
- Share the infographics available from RI (at ) that convey key messages in simple, easily digested ways. These infographics can be sent at any time to highlight key aspects of the program and the need for continued support.
- Make it personal – tell why polio eradication is important to you. Perhaps you, a friend, or a family member has been personally affected by polio. Perhaps you have children or grandchildren who have been spared as a result of the progress already made. Perhaps you have traveled to a country where you have seen the ravages of polio. Share your story with your elected official and why you feel it is important that they support this issue.
- Invite an elected official to speak to your club and use this as an opportunity to highlight Rotary’s commitment. This could be done in several ways:
- Provide a polio-related speaker gift such as a framed photo of a child being immunized or perhaps an End Polio Now pin with a certificate advising that a contribution has been made in his/her name to PolioPlus. Spend a minute talking about polio eradication as Rotary’s highest priority and encourage the official’s support.
- Ask the official to speak about the government’s support of polio eradication. NOTE: RI can assist in preparing talking points for the invited official’s use and you can offer this assistance. This ensures that they are briefed on the issue and also conveys to the official that this is an issue that is important to your club.
- If an elected official is invited to a club or district event for a non-polio related reason, this is still an opportunity to highlight polio eradication as Rotary’s top priority and encourage that official’s support. This simple action will reinforce outreach that is done by other Rotarians at Capitol level. Often elected officials will mention that they have spoken to a Rotary club but the club never mentioned anything about Rotary’s work on polio. This actually hurts Rotary’s efforts.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
¡Descubre un Club Rotario con una de la mejores webs hoy!
Entrevistas, videos, fotografias, historia y un sin fin de información de actividades de Rotary International y del club que fomentan el altruismo, la fraternidad yla amistad.
¡Una web al servicio de todos y que recomendamos!
Entra aqui:
Monday, September 10, 2012
Manuel Cordeiro nomeado novo assistente de Relações Públicas do Rotary International 2012-2013 Zona 13B - Portugal.
Pertence ao Rotary Club de Vila Real desde Outubro de 2001
Governador do D 1970, 2009-2010
É Sócio Honorário do Rotary Club de Jarnac, França.
É Companheiro Paul Harris Major Donnors com 3 Cristais
É Benfeitor da Rotary Foundation
Manuel parabéns!
Manuel Cordeiro nombrado nuevo asistente de Relaciones Publicas de Rotary International 2012-2013 Zona 13B - Portugal.
Pertenece al Club Rotario de Vila Real desde octubre de 2001
Fue Gobernador D 1970, 2009-2010
Es miembro honorario del Club Rotario de Jarnac, Francia.
Es Paul Harris Fellow Donnors con 3 Cristales
Es Benefactor de la Fundación Rotaria
¡Muchas Felicidades Manuel!
Friday, September 7, 2012
List of Districts that submitted for a PR Grant for 2012-13 and the amount they were approved.
District | Local Currency | Approved Amount | District Contribution | Total Grant/Match | Approved Grant Description |
1960-multi w/1970 | EUR | 12,320.00 | 3,850.00 | 16,170.00 | Radio, TV, print, facebook |
1970-multi w/1960 | EUR | 12,320.00 | 3,850.00 | 16,170.00 | Radio, TV, print, facebook |
2201-multi w/2202,2203 | EUR | 11,165.00 | 3,465.00 | 14,630.00 | |
2202-multi w/2201,2203 | EUR | 11,165.00 | 3,465.00 | 14,630.00 | |
2203-multi w/2201,2202 | EUR | 11,165.00 | 3,465.00 | 14,630.00 |
Monday, September 3, 2012
Maratón Rotario sobre la Paz. Paul Beaulieu PDG. Coordinador Rotary Zona 24 este.
El nuevo tema Rotary es LA PAZ POR EL SERVICIO. El presidente Tanaka ha escogido este tema que a mi parecer es muy significativo y actual. Eso me ha dado una idea. Solicito vuestra ayuda para el proyecto que he preparado para el 21 de Septiembre que es el día Internacional de la Paz.
La idea es disponer de ponentes que durante veinticuatro horas discutan sobre la Paz. Necesitamos clubes en cada uno de los veinticuatro husos horarios que organicen un encuentro de entre 5 y 7 horas ( 17 a 19 horas) para discutir sobre la Paz. El resultado: un maratón sobre la Paz por los Rotarios.
- Espeo que puedan encontrar un club en cada uno de los husos horarios que puedan organizar un evento de 5 a 7 (la hora del cóctel). Pueden tener muchos eventos en la misma zona.
- Me gustaría que mandaran esta información a todos sus amigos Rotarios pidiéndoles que difundan la información a los clubes. - Uds. Pueden también establecer un lazo en su página Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter o toda media social para difundir lo más posible la información.
Algunos entre ustedes conocen socios Rotario en diferentes husos horarios. . No olviden: Que podemos tener varios eventos en la misma zona o el mismo Distrito. Es necesario hacer conocer el evento a todos los Rotarios. Más eventos mejor será el impacto que tendremos para nuestra imagen pública.
Visiten nuestra página web a donde encontrarán toda la información así como el formulario para inscribir los eventos a nuestro maratón. Podrán así seguir la lista de los eventos que tendrán lugar en cada huso horario a lo largo de ese día.
El costo es solamente de $ 75 dólares americanos para registrar su evento. Eso cubrirá los costos de la página web y de promoción. Todo lo sobrante será entregado al programa de los Becarios para la Paz.
Un agradecimiento anticipado por su ayuda en esta bella aventura! Sin su ayuda eso seria muy difícil.
Cordialmente. Paul Beaulieu PDG. Coordinador Rotary Zona 24 este.
Alumni Relations. Rotary Program Participation Survey
Alumni Updates
Claudia Kolker, 1987-88 Ambassadorial Scholar sponsored by the Rotary Club of Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Maryland, USA (District 7620) to attend El Colegio de Mexico in Mexico City, Mexico.
Claudia Kolker is an award-winning journalist who has reported from Mexico, El Salvador, the Caribbean, Japan, and India. A native of Washington, D.C., USA, she worked as a freelance writer covering the end of El Salvador's civil war and the U.S. invasion of Haiti. She first joined the Houston Chronicle staff in 1996 as a city desk reporter specializing in immigrant affairs, then served as the Houston bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times. She returned to the Houston Chronicle as a member of the editorial board in 2005 and now lives in Houston, Texas, USA with her husband and two children.
In October 2011, she published her first book, The Immigrant Advantage: What We Can Learn from Newcomers to America about Health, Happiness, and Hope. For details, please visit More recently, her article, Born to serve, was published in the May 2012 issue of The Rotarian magazine and can be accessed here:
As part of our annual mailing, a 2012-13 SHARE System Report and 2012-13 DDF donation form are being sent to all districts (nonpilot and pilot) to inform them of their 2011-12 carry forward amount.
Additionally, some districts will see increased DDF from Permanent Fund spendable earnings. Districts with endowed funds whose earnings are directed to SHARE are receiving an Endowed Fund Update.
Copies of the SHARE reports and endowed fund updates for your districts will be sent to you via email.
Questions about SHARE? Contact Steve Lyons, 847-866-3362;
TRF Programs. Rotary Peace Centers.
Twenty-one Rotary Peace Fellows completed the professional development program at the Rotary Peace Center at Chulalongkorn University and are being awarded a certificate of completion on 31 August 2012. The fellows started the three-month intensive program in June and conducted field study tours to Northern Thailand and Cambodia in conjunction with their classroom learning. The next three-month session of the professional development program will begin in January 2013.
Class XI Peace Fellows start classes
Rotary Peace Fellows at Duke University, University of North Carolina, Uppsala University, University of Bradford, and International Christian University will be starting classes at their respective universities this fall. Each program begins with a week-long orientation on the campus, during which the peace fellows will meet each other and their host area counselors. To meet this exciting new class of fellows, please visit our student profile page at:
Uppsala University
Uppsala University will hold a formal ceremony to inaugurate the Rotary Peace Center at Uppsala University. It is expected to be well attended by local Rotarians, academics, and Rotary Foundation General Manager, John Osterlund.
Rotary Peace Centers Application Deadline and Committee Meeting
Rotary Peace Fellowship applications were due 1 July 2012. Nearly 250 applications were received from around the globe. The Rotary Peace Centers Committee will hold its annual meeting 15-18 October 2012 at One Rotary Center to select the 12th class of Rotary Peace Fellows, as well as discuss important program improvements and recommendations.
Sign up to receive more Rotary Peace Centers news at:
Message from Brenda Cressey, 2013 RRFC Institute Moderator.
Your collaboration and efforts with the RC’s and RPIC’s are working to highlight the many benefits and wonders of Rotary Membership and ongoing important support of our Rotary Foundation. We now enjoy many difference sources of communications from Rotary International as they continue to improve our outreach by way of E-Communications, Linked In, Facebook and Twitter.
However, I think you will all agree that the smiles shown on the faces of our RI President Sukuji Tanaka and Trustee Chair Wilf Wilkinson is infectious as they enthusiastically share their love of Rotary around the world! I’m sure, like me, when reading and looking at the many photos reflecting their high energy you cannot help and be proud of this incredible organization.
Future Vision success continues to be encouraging and the best practices coming out of our Pilot District’s is virtually invaluable. However, as we continue to hear concerns about the loss of our long running and successful GSE and Ambassadorial Scholarships we hope you keep yourselves abreast of the positive effects realized by having these programs designed with more flexibility.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Colleen Hunter Jones y las Becas de Buena Voluntad.
"Parte de La Beca de Buena Voluntad consiste en visitar diferentes clubes de Rotary para dar una charla. La idea es presentarme a los rotarios, enseñarles cosas de la cultura americana, cómo se desarrolla mi vida en EEUU, como conocí Rotary, etc.
Esta experiencia para mí ha sido genial, porque he tenido la oportunidad conocer a diferentes rotarios en España, viajar y conocer muchas ciudades. Este año he dado charlas a los clubes rotarios de Dublin, Marbella, Estepona, Murcia y los dos de Granada.
Tuve la oportunidad de asistir a la cena de cambio de collar de Club de Huelva donde volveré en Septiembre o en Octubre para dar una nueva charla.
He disfrutado exponiendo mi experiencia en colegios e institutos, tanto en Granada como en Sevilla, enseñando a los estudiantes qué es Rotary International, cómo se realiza el trabajo de voluntariado, así como diferentes aspectos de la cultura americana y sobre todo, cúales son las oportunidades que ofrece Rotary International para estudiar fuera de España. ! Para mí ha sido genial! He tenido mucha suerte, gracias a Rotary International."
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Maratón Rotario por la Paz.
El nuevo tema Rotary es LA PAZ POR EL SERVICIO. El presidente Tanaka ha escogido este tema que a mi parecer es muy significativo y de actualidad. Eso me ha dado una idea. Solicito vuestra ayuda para el proyecto que he preparado para el 21 de Septiembre que es el día Internacional de la Paz.
La idea es disponer de ponentes que durante veinticuatro horas van a discutir de la Paz. Tenemos necesidad de clubes en cada uno de los veinticuatro husos horarios que van organizar un encuentro de 5 a 7 horas ( 17 a 19 horas) y discutir de la Paz. El resultado: un maratón sobre la Paz por los Rotarios.
- Yo quisiera que pueden encontrar un club en cada uno de los husos horarios
que organizara un evento de 5 a 7 (la hora del cóctel). Puedes tener muchos eventos en la misma zona.
- Me gustaría que manden esta información a todos sus amigos Rotarios pidiéndoles de difundir la información a los clubes.
- Uds. Pueden también establecer un lazo en su página Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter o toda media social para difundir lo más posible la información.
Algunos entre ustedes conocen socios Rotario en diferentes husos horarios. . No olviden: Que podemos tener varios eventos en la misma zona o el mismo Distrito. Es necesario hacer conocer el evento a todos los Rotarios. Más eventos mejor será el impacto que tendremos para nuestra imagen pública.
Visiten nuestra página web a donde encontrarán toda la información así como el formulario para inscribir los eventos a nuestro maratón. Podrán así seguir la lista de los eventos que tendrán lugar en cada huso horario a lo largo de ese día.
El costo es solamente de $ 75 dólares americanos para registrar su evento. Eso cubrirá los costos de la página web y de promoción. Todo lo sobrante será entregado al programa de los Becarios para la Paz.
Un agradecimiento anticipado por su ayuda en esta bella aventura! Sin su ayuda eso seria muy difícil.
Paul Beaulieu PDG
Coordinador Rotary Zona 24 este