Monday, September 3, 2012

Global Polio Eradication Initiative´s Emergency Action Plan.

Friends & Colleagues,

As we start a new Rotary year, and the final year of our Future Vision pilot phase, we do so with an unprecedented cushion of support in the mainstream media as well as social media.   I thought it important to bring some of these placements to your personal attention, whether you’re a Rotary leader, involved in New Generations, or fund development.  Each of these placements was developed by our superb Media Relations team at world headquarters with support from the General Secretary and senior Rotarians.  And don’t forget to check out the new Facebook page for the President of Rotary International, Sakuji Tanaka:  I think you’ll agree it will be a great meeting place to get to know President Tanaka and follow his travels and conversations during his year as president.

Meanwhile, here are some of the important articles you should have on file for conversations with staff, prospective Rotarians and donors:

Washington Post – June 15, 2012 (attached)

This editorial, which ran prominently at the top of the Post’s editorial section, identifies Rotary as a GPEI spearheading partner and says Rotary "has exceeded its goal to raise more than $200 million to match a $355 million challenge grant" from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Read the entire editorial or download PDF, attached.

Bloomberg Radio- June 28 2012 (attached)

(Locally in NYC on WBBR AM 1130, Elsewhere via Sirius XM, Channel 113, Live webcast:

John Hewko describes how Rotary clubs occupy the intersection of “commerce and cause” by providing members with opportunities to both network with local business leaders and participate in rewarding community and international service activities, such as the global eradication of polio.

Yomiuri Shimbun- June 22, 2012 Japanese daily with the largest circulation, ran a profile story on President-elect Sakuji Tanaka. He is depicted as a real self-made man in an inspiring way.  Polio eradication is mentioned in his comment, “I’m committed to eradicate polio campaign. Eradication of polio is Rotary’s top priority.”  He also mentioned about the two schools he and his district built in Bangladesh. The story is mainly about his life (including Rotary).  The last paragraph reads ‘Rotary clubs are organizations which implement service activities in the communities both locally and internationally.  There are about 90,000 members in 2,300 clubs in Japan.”  Read the story:

  Real Simple- June 2012 (attached)

The June 2012 issue contains a feature profile of Rotarian Ann Lee Hussey, a polio survivor who has traveled the world to immunize children against the disease. The story carries strong Rotary messaging. Real Simple has more than 2 million subscribers and its website gets 2.6 million unique visitors per month.  Read the story:

  Canadian Originals, CTV- May 2012

This is a national profile story on Rotarian Ramesh Ferris, a polio survivor and advocate. CTV has been the most-watched and #1 television network in Canada for the past nine years and its newscasts reach more than 25 million viewers each week. See the story:

  Canadian-Asian News- June 15, 2012 (attached)

An op-ed on polio eradication by Pakistan Rotary National PolioPlus Chair Aziz Memon was published in The Canadian Asian News, an English-language newspaper in Pakistan.

  The Asian Age- May 21, 2012 (attached)

Reporter Patralehka Chaterjee attended the 2012 Bangkok Convention and wrote a follow-up story, “Polio-endemic nations look to up to India for key lessons.”

  World Health Assembly Media Coverage-  May 2012

To publicize the World Health Resolution and the launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s emergency action plan, Rotary and its partners conducted a coordinated traditional and social media outreach effort.  An infographicwas shared by Rotary polio ambassadors including Jack Nicklaus, Angelique Kidjo, A.R. Rahman and others. The infographic had more than 30,000 views online. In addition, Rotary Polio Ambassadors and “This Close” participants Angelique Kidjo, Jack Nicklaus, Tanvi Shah, Pau Gasol and A.R. Rahman shared the infographic through their social networks, for a combined potential reach of 2,274,000 on Twitter and 3,105,000 on Facebook.Reuters AlertNet (Megan Rowling) - May 24, 2012
BBC News - May 24, 2012 ‘Emergency plan’ to eradicate polio launched
Forbes - May 26, 2012 How Polio Can Be A Global Emergency When Cases Are At An All-Time LowVatican Radio - May 24, 2012 World begins final push to eradicate polio The Atlantic - May 29, 2012 Why Polio Just Became a Global Health Crisis—and a Global Governance Crisis

Agence France Presse - May 24, 2012 Emergency plan launched for endgame of polio eradication International Business Times - May 24, 2012 Polio Remains Endemic in Nigeria, Pakistan And Afghanistan: Health Officials
CTV National News (The Canadian Press) - May 24, 2012 Effort to rid world of polio takes another step forward
UN Dispatch - May 24, 2012 There’s a global polio emergency: Now what?
Bloomberg (Editorial) - May 24, 2012 Don’t Let Polio, Nearly Dead and Gone, Come Back to Life

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