Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thoughts of Rotary Leaders: Kalyan Banerjee

President, Rotary International 2011–12

   Rotary is like a classroom. Only those who are willing learners will move up. Membership in Rotary helps you to accept yourself, boost your confidence and change your life in a short time.

  We can promote membership by telling people that they can see a few things, or many things, that can change their life. They might have tried various other methods to find a meaning to life. Rotary gives a readymade formula.

When no other way of reaching within worked, Rotary helps a person to effortlessly connect within themselves and find a new dimension of life. This is our unique selling point.

Membership in Rotary has worked wonders for thousands. It’s methods for a successful life are proven for the past one hundred years. It will work now for any adult willing to be an useful volunteer for uplifting the people who need help the most.

Rotary has helped people to accept the truth about themselves. Membership in Rotary changes life by helping the individual to concentrate on becoming who he or she really wants to be.

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