Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thoughts of Rotary Leaders: Sushil Gupta

Director, Rotary International 2003–2005

I am proud to say that I have now been a Rotarian for over 35 years. During this very fascinating journey, I have made many new friends who have enriched my own life. That would not have been possible without me being a member of this vast fraternity – Rotary. An increase in Membership in clubs gives us greater opportunity for fellowship, networking, mutual assistance and thus all round development in our own personalities by having inducted new members from diverse fields. We meet newer people every day and learn from them.

The world is vast and has diverse people and Rotary helps bring them come together on one platform. Rotarians should be proud of their membership – proud to belong to the world’s largest membership based non-profit organisation.

Over the years Rotarians have developed a passion for generosity. Generosity not just in contributing funds but generosity in contributing ‘hands’ that are needed to complete projects. Added Membership provides added hands. When we join Rotary we do so with the spirit of service. I have experienced the delight of service – of being useful to the society. The core values of service, including the values of ethics that I have imbibed during my membership of Rotary, has stood me in good stead in life and in my business. I cannot think of any other organisation that offers me such a wonderful opportunity to serve my fellow beings. Membership of Rotary to me means an opportunity for fellowship and to serve the society.

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